KEISER UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL CATALOG 2023-2024 VOLUME 23 NO. 1 ADDENDUM NO. 8 Effective February 21, 2024 KEISER UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE CATALOG ADDENDUM Keiser University continually reviews, improves and updates its programs, courses and curricula. It is incumbent on the University to reflect these revisions in its publications. The following Addendum No. 8 represents additions, changes and deletions to the 2023-2024 Keiser University Undergraduate Catalog, Volume 23, No. 1, and is effective February 21, 2024. Contents Pg. 18, Accreditation, AS Diagnostic Medical Sonography ....................................................................... 3 Pg. 19, Accreditation, AS Physical Therapist Assistant ............................................................................. 3 Pg. 101, Title IX Coordinators .................................................................................................................... 3 Pg. 118, Programs Offered at Each Campus, Daytona/Miami .................................................................. 3 Pg. 122, Programs Offered at Each Campus, Orlando/Tallahassee .......................................................... 4 Pg. 159, Program Descriptions, Accelerated BACJ to MACJ Track ............................................................ 4 Pg. 161, Program Descriptions, BA Criminal Justice ................................................................................. 4 Pg. 162, Program Descriptions, Accelerated BACJ – Forensics Concentration to MACJ Track ................. 4 Pg. 164, Program Descriptions, BA Criminal Justice (Forensics Concentration) ....................................... 5 Pg. 167, Program Descriptions, BA Financial Crime Investigation ............................................................ 5 Pg. 211, Program Descriptions, BS Cyberforensics/Information Security ................................................ 5 Pg. 219, Program Descriptions, BS Digital Forensics and Incident Response ........................................... 6 Pg. 228, Program Descriptions, BS Forensic Investigations (Investigations Concentration), ................... 6 Pg. 239, Program Descriptions, BS Health Information Management ..................................................... 6 Pg. 263, Program Descriptions, BS Law Enforcement Operations ............................................................ 6 Pg. 319, Program Descriptions, AS Diagnostic Medical Sonography ........................................................ 6 Pg. 385, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice ......................................................................................... 7 Pg. 386, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice ......................................................................................... 7 Pg. 403, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice ......................................................................................... 7 Pg. 404, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice ......................................................................................... 7 Pg. 407, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice ......................................................................................... 7 Pg. 567, Administration, Faculty, and Staff ............................................................................................... 8 Pg. 573, Administration, Faculty, and Staff ............................................................................................... 8 Pg. 18, Accreditation, AS Diagnostic Medical Sonography Delete the first bullet on the page, concerning Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and add: • Keiser University’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Daytona Beach (concentrations: abdomen- extended and obstetrics/gynecology), Fort Lauderdale (concentrations: abdomen-extended, obstetrics/ gynecology and vascular), Fort Myers (concentrations: abdomen-extended, obstetrics/gynecology and vascular), Melbourne (concentrations: abdomen-extended obstetrics/gynecology) and New Port Richey (concentrations: abdomen-extended, and obstetrics/gynecology and vascular), campuses are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) on recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS). Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, 9355-113th St. N, #7709 Seminole FL 33775, Pg. 19, Accreditation, AS Physical Therapist Assistant Delete the second bullet on the page, concerning Physical Therapist Assistant, and add: The Physical Therapist Assistant programs at Keiser University’s Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Miami, Melbourne, Lakeland, Fort Myers, and West Palm Beach Campuses are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia, 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Fort Lauderdale 954-776-4456, Jacksonville 904-296-3440, Miami 305-596-2226, Melbourne 321-409-4800, or Fort Myers 239-277-1336; or email Fort Lauderdale:, Jacksonville:; Miami:; Melbourne and Fort Myers:; and Lakeland: Pg. 101, Title IX Coordinators Under Title IX Coordinators, delete: Brandon Biederman, Associate Vice Chancellor of Compliance and add: Dr. David Hubbard, Associate Vice Chancellor for Operations 1900 W. Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, 954-776-4476 Pg. 118, Programs Offered at Each Campus, Daytona/Miami Under Daytona, add: BS Information Technology Under Miami, add: AA Accounting (Spanish) online only AA General Studies (Spanish) online only AA Health Service Administration (Spanish) online only AS Information Technology (Spanish) online only AS Medical Administrative Billing and Coding (Spanish) online only BA Accounting (Spanish) online only BA Psychology (Spanish) online only BS Information Technology Management (Track 1) (Spanish) online only BS Interdisciplinary Studies (Spanish) online only Pg. 122, Programs Offered at Each Campus, Orlando/Tallahassee Under Orlando, add: BS Information Technology Under Tallahassee, add: AA Business Administration Pg. 159, Program Descriptions, Accelerated BACJ to MACJ Track In the bulleted list under is taken instead of one of the following upper-division courses, delete: CJE3140 Private Security and add: CJE3144 Private Security Pg. 161, Program Descriptions, BA Criminal Justice Under Program Outline, under Criminal Justice Upper Division Courses – Required (15.0 credit hours), delete existing content and add: CCJ4450 Criminal Justice Management 3.0 credit hours CCJ4487 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3.0 credit hours CJL3410 Constitutional Criminal Procedures 3.0 credit hours CJL4133 Criminal Evidence and Procedures 3.0 credit hours CJE4710* ** Integrated Criminal Justice Capstone Project 3.0 credit hours Under Program Outline, under Criminal Justice Upper Division Courses – Additional (21.0 credit hours), delete existing content and add: CCJ3601 Deviant Behavior 3.0 credit hours CCJ3666 Victimology 3.0 credit hours CCJ 4032 Crime and the Media 3.0 credit hours CCJ4641 Organized Crime 3.0 credit hours CCJ4644 White-Collar and Economic Crime 3.0 credit hours CCJ4651 Drug Control 3.0 credit hours CCJ4661 Terrorism 3.0 credit hours CCJ4690 Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours CJE3144 Private Security 3.0 credit hours CJE4175 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems 3.0 credit hours CJE 4064 Protective Services 3.0 credit hours CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours CCJ4940 Criminal Justice Internship I 3.0 credit hours CCJ4991 Criminal Justice Internship II 3.0 credit hours *must be taken in the student’s last semester ** Successful completion of ENC 4313 Research Writing before a student can be enrolled. Pg. 162, Program Descriptions, Accelerated BACJ – Forensics Concentration to MACJ Track In the bulleted list under is taken instead of one of the following upper-division courses, delete: CJE3140 Private Security and add: CJE3144 Private Security Pg. 164, Program Descriptions, BA Criminal Justice (Forensics Concentration) Under Program Outline, under Major Course Requirements (30.0 credit hours), delete existing content and add: Select at least 30 credit hours from below: CCJ3601 Deviant Behavior 3.0 credit hours CCJ4032 Crime and the Media 3.0 credit hours CCJ4487 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3.0 credit hours CCJ4651 Drug Control 3.0 credit hours CCJ4661 Terrorism 3.0 credit hours CCJ4690 Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours CJE4710 Integrated CJ Capstone Project 3.0 credit hours CJL3410 Constitutional Criminal Proceedings 3.0 credit hours CJL4133 Criminal Evidence & Procedures 3.0 credit hours CCJ4990 Criminal Justice Internship I 3.0 credit hours CCJ4991 Criminal Justice Internship II 3.0 credit hours Under Program Outline, under Added Major Course Requirements (30.0 credit hours), delete existing content and add: Select at least 18 credit hours from below: CJE1000 Introduction to Law Enforcement 3.0 credit hours CCJ3666 Victimology 3.0 credit hours CCJ4450 Criminal Justice Management 3.0 credit hours CJE3144 Private Security 3.0 credit hours CJE4175 Comparative CJ Systems 3.0 credit hours CJE4064 Protective Services 3.0 credit hours CCJ4641 Organized Crime 3.0 credit hours CCJ4644 White Collar & Economic Crime 3.0 credit hours Pg. 167, Program Descriptions, BA Financial Crime Investigation Under Program Outline, under Upper Division Financial Crime Investigations Courses (45.0 credit hours), delete: CJE4688 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours and add: CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours Pg. 211, Program Descriptions, BS Cyberforensics/Information Security Under Program Outline, under Cyberforensics/Information Security Major Courses (48.0 credit hours), delete: CJE4688 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours and add: CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours Pg. 219, Program Descriptions, BS Digital Forensics and Incident Response Under Program Outline, under Upper Division Digital Forensics and Incident Response Major Courses (36.0 credit hours), delete: CJE4688 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours and add: CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours Pg. 228, Program Descriptions, BS Forensic Investigations (Investigations Concentration), Under Program Outline, under Upper Division Optional Courses (6.0 credit hours), delete: CCJ4693 Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours CJE4688 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours and add: CCJ4690 Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours Pg. 239, Program Descriptions, BS Health Information Management Under Program Outline, under Upper Division Health Information Management Courses (42.0 credit hours), delete: ISM3112 Systems Analysis 3.0 credit hours ISM4113 Systems Design 3.0 credit hours ISM4212 Database Management Systems 3.0 credit hours and add: HIM3428C Fundamentals of Healthcare Compliance 3.0 credit hours HIM4656C Foundations of Health Information Systems 3.0 credit hours HIM4658C Health Information Systems Management 3.0 credit hours Pg. 263, Program Descriptions, BS Law Enforcement Operations Under Program Outline, under Upper Division Core (22.0 credit hours), delete: CJL3231 Constitutional Criminal Procedures 3.0 credit hours CJE4688 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours and add: CJL3410 Constitutional Criminal Procedures 3.0 credit hours CJE4694 Cyber Crimes 3.0 credit hours Under Program Outline, under Law Enforcement Concentration (16.0 credit hours), delete: CCJ4693 Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours and add: CCJ4690 Human Exploitation 3.0 credit hours Under Program Outline, under Courts and Corrections Concentration (16.0 credit hours), delete: CJE4275 Protective Services 3.0 credit hours and add: CJE4064 Protective Services 3.0 credit hours Pg. 319, Program Descriptions, AS Diagnostic Medical Sonography Under Program Goals, under Track 2 – Abdominal-Extended, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Vascular Concentration, under The program’s mission and goal is further defined in the following program objectives, delete the fourth bullet and add: 4. Embrace life-long learning to foster professional growth in response to ever-changing healthcare needs. Pg. 385, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice Change the course number of: CCJ4489 (3.0 credit hours) Ethics in Criminal Justice to: CCJ4487 (3.0 credit hours) Ethics in Criminal Justice Pg. 386, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice Change the course number of: CCJ4693 (3.0 credit hours) Human Exploitation to: CCJ4690 (3.0 credit hours) Human Exploitation Pg. 403, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice Change the course number of: CJE3140 (3.0 credit hours) Private Security to: CJE3144 (3.0 credit hours) Private Security Pg. 404, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice Change the course number of: CJE4275 (3.0 credit hours) Protective Services to: CJE4064 (3.0 credit hours) Protective Services Change the course number of: CJE4688 (3.0 credit hours) Cyber Crime to: CJE4694 (3.0 credit hours) Cyber Crime Pg. 407, Course Descriptions, Criminal Justice Change the course number of: CJL3231 (3.0 credit hours) Constitutional Criminal Procedures to: CJL3410 (3.0 credit hours) Constitutional Criminal Procedures Pg. 567, Administration, Faculty, and Staff Under OOC Operations Administration, delete: Associate Vice Chancellor/Operations David Hubbard J.D. Stetson University College of Law B.A. University of South Florida and add: Associate Vice Chancellor/Operations and Title IX Coordinator David Hubbard J.D. Stetson University College of Law B.A. University of South Florida Pg. 573, Administration, Faculty, and Staff Under Office of Compliance, delete: Associate Vice Chancellor of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator Brandon Biederman J.D. University of Florida B.S. University of South Florida