Fort Myers, Florida middle school students recently gained hands-on experience relating to the field of crime scene technology and forensic investigations as they attended Keiser University’s Forensic ‘Dig” Day.
Led by Stephanie Arbogast, Lead Faculty member of Keiser University’s Fort Myers Campus Crime Scene Technology and Forensic Investigation program, the opportunity was designed to showcase the roles of law enforcement officers who regularly conduct forensic investigations and the crime scene technology that assists in saving victims and bringing criminals to justice. The affair welcomed leaders from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), the Lee County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO), and the Florida Wild Life Commission (FWC) as they joined in providing a variety of interactive activities including crime scene detection of shoe impressions, blood spatter testing and analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, a canine demonstration, and more.
“It was truly a collaborative effort between local law enforcement agencies, faculty, and student volunteers,” said Arbogast. “The middle school students were able to learn through hands-on activities how to solve crimes, dust for fingerprints, understand cyber crimes, and even dig for bones,” she said.
Keiser University Fort Myers Campus President Amy Teprovich agreed. “It was an amazing day. Professor Arbogast organized a truly outstanding event, and the students were thrilled with the experience. They were cheering on the bus as they left,” she smiled.
To view Teprovich’s television interview with WINK News journalist Asha Patel relating to the event and how forensic science is aiding with the research of a skull recently found in the Fort Myers area, please visit here.
Keiser University’s Associate of Science degree in Crime Scene Technology prepares students with fundamental competencies in the areas of recognizing, documenting, collecting, preserving and presenting physical material for use as evidence in legal proceedings. Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science degree in Forensic Investigations (Investigations Concentration) prepares students with competencies in the collection, preservation, and analysis of physical evidence for presentation in legal proceedings. The program provides students with the skills required to recognize relevant scientific information discoverable through forensic analysis of various types of physical evidence. Oral and written communications regarding the results of investigations and forensic analysis is also emphasized.
Keiser University is a private, independent, non-profit university serving nearly 20,000 students at 21 Florida campuses, online, and two international sites. Founded in 1977 by Chancellor Arthur Keiser, Ph.D., and Evelyn Keiser, Keiser University currently offers more than 100 degrees from associates to the doctoral level. Keiser University is a designated Hispanic-Serving Institution, a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and was ranked No. 21 in the U.S. in Social Mobility by U.S. News and World Report in 2023-24.

Middle school students recently gained hands-on experience relating to the field of crime scene technology and forensic investigations as they attended Keiser University’s Forensic ‘Dig” Day. The event also provided experiential learning opportunities for Keiser University learners.

Middle school students recently gained hands-on experience relating to the field of crime scene technology and forensic investigations as they attended Keiser University’s Forensic ‘Dig” Day. The event also provided experiential learning opportunities for Keiser University learners.

Middle school students recently gained hands-on experience relating to the field of crime scene technology and forensic investigations as they attended Keiser University’s Forensic ‘Dig” Day. The event also provided experiential learning opportunities for Keiser University learners.

Keiser University Fort Myers Campus President Amy Teprovich shares insights relating to DIG Day with WINK News viewers.