The campus takes various precautionary measures to protect the students, staff, faculty and campus visitors. Nevertheless, unavoidable emergencies may occur in extreme situations. Therefore, each campus has a Campus Response Team ( CRT ) that implements and oversees the campus response to a crisis situation. CRT members serve as the Campus Security Authority (CSA) and as the Title IX Responsible Employee. The CRT receives training in dealing with crisis situations and will primarily direct the immediate response to a crisis situation until the arrival of law enforcement and emergency response personnel.
In order to make this program effective, please familiarize yourself with the following emergency procedures.
Nothing herein precludes any student, staff or faculty from contacting the appropriate authorities directly in the event they feel in threat of physical harm or imminent danger.
In case of emergency, dial 911!
Department of Homeland Security: “Active shooter awareness – Options for consideration”
Emergency Evacuation
Evacuation is the movement of campus occupants from a dangerous or potentially dangerous location to a safe location. There are two types of evacuation; fire evacuation and non fire evacuation;
Fire Evacuation:
Non-Fire Evacuation:
Emergency Lockdown
Emergency Lockdown is used to dramatically and rapidly enhance the level of security of the campus. By locking all exterior, interior and classroom doors, staff can make it more difficult for dangerous person(s) in the vicinity of the campus and in the campus to gain access to staff and students;
External Lockdown
External lockdown creates a physical layer of security between the internal and external dimensions of the campus. This lockdown allows staff and students to continue activities while maintaining access control to the campus and remain in an elevated state of security.
Shelter in Place
Shelter in place procedures are traditionally utilized when a tornado has been spotted or there has been a chemical or biological incident outside of, but in proximity to a campus and available information indicates that there is no adequate time to evacuate building occupants to a safe location before the dangerous contaminants reach the facility.
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