West Palm Beach campus Criminal Justice students are learning about juvenile court, terminology and procedures by designing their own board games. The students armed only with paper, blank cards, markers, virtual dice and their text applied creative tactics to develop several interesting versions of their own Juvenile Justice System board games.

Some students divided their game boards into the components of the Juvenile Justice system.  For example, if you landed on “court” you drew a court card.  The card may say “new law violation, go to detention (start) and miss a turn”.  Others developed card games and some very creative methods of “playing” through juvenile prcedures.

The most important aspect of this project was the students truly used creative thinking to apply what they have learned. Or in other words, students had a meaningful experience as they were learning for life.

CJ board games Feb. 2015 (1) CJ board games Feb. 2015 (2) CJ board games Feb. 2015 (3)