The OTA students at the Daytona Beach campus carefully planned and carried out various activities during the National Occupational Therapy Month celebration.

The goal in OT, is to engage clients of all ages in activities that are meaningful to them while they achieve their goals of regaining independence in their lives.  Oftentimes that means combining science (theory) with creativity.

There was excellent support and participation from the campus students, staff, faculty and administrator.  They enthusiastically participated in activities that tested their knowledge of adaptive equipment, ability to propel a wheelchair safely while using a reacher to obtain items, identify various items through taste and touch (only), perform dressing tasks with occluded vision and diminished tactile input (touch), use a dynamometer to test grip strength and hop, run, walk while wearing a body (sensory) sock. These activities showcased just a few interventions that are used during OT treatment sessions. 

OTA month April 2016 (5) OTA month April 2016 (1) OTA month April 2016 (2) OTA month April 2016 (3)