Dr. Vanessa Khan, KU Ft. Myers Fieldwork Coordinator


What do you want others to know about the profession of occupational therapy (OT)?

Occupational therapy assists individuals in leading a life of quality and meaning within a dynamic world.


Why did you choose OT?

The OT profession allows us to focus on the individual person and what is meaningful in their lives that provides motivation and what they deem important


What is your personal OT client/student success story?

Almost every client patient has a success story, it may not be outwardly obvious to the world, but it is apparent to the patient and their families what they have achieved and how their lives have improved in quality and meaning.


Since it is the 100th anniversary of OT, what is your prediction for the most significant enhancement to the profession the next 100 years?

My hope is that future OTs continue to advocate for the profession and our capabilities to enhance the knowledge of those around us and to identify the needs that the community has at any given moment so that we can provide our knowledge and expertise to build upon the first 100 years and assist with those in need surrounding us on a daily basis.


What is the most unusual adaptive device you have created?

Using a paperclip as a pants extender and to ease the difficulty of buttoning


What movie can you name that relates to the profession of OT?

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape


Why did you choose the profession?

My choice came after much consideration and time spent with a variety of healthcare professionals to see what their day to day workings would be and what outcomes they are looking for, the quality of life that occupational therapists led and their interactions with their patients showed me a different way to live and to see the world. Occupational therapists have the wonderful opportunity to engage people during their recovery, providing them with hope, happiness and hopefully a fulfilling path to lead an independent life.