Port St. Lucie BS in Dietetic & Nutrition students educated the staff and faculty about healthy eating.
They provided handouts, with relevant nutrition information for several weeks.
Then they did a survey among staff/faculty to find out what they wanted to learn. The staff indicated that they wanted to learn more about Healthy Eating/ and how to prepare meals and Snacks in in a short amount of time because of the pressure of working/parenting etc. they did not have time to prepare healthy meals and snacks.
The Seminar was entitled KALE-UP acronym for: Keiser Adjusting Learned Eating Under Pressure.
The students combined the title of the Seminar with the actual use of the vegetable KALE.
The class provided a lunch/learn seminar for the staff/faculty where they demonstrated to the staff/faculty how to prepare healthy meals/snack and highlighted the benefits of health vegetables such as KALE.
They then provided Tee shirts with the words KALE-UP to each of the participants.


Health Benefits of consuming KALE

Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat. One cup of kale has only 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber and 0 grams of fat. It is great for aiding in digestion and elimination with its great fiber content.

It’s also filled with so many nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium as well as those listed below.

At just 33 calories, one cup of raw kale has:

    • Nearly 3 grams of protein.


    • 2.5 grams of fiber (which helps manage blood sugar and makes you feel full)


    • Vitamins A, C, and K.


    • Folate, a B vitamin that’s key for brain development.


    • Alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid.


Given the incredibly low calorie content, kale is among the most nutrient dense foods in existence.
Eating more kale is a great way to dramatically increase the total nutrient content of your diet.