Keiser Lakeland Core 25 Nursing Fundamentals class exhibits cultural diversity in presentations of the cultures of various countries along with foods, beliefs, rituals, and healthcare that cannot be ignored when taking care of these patients in the hospital and community.

Cultural awareness July 2015 (4) Cultural awareness July 2015 (5) Cultural awareness July 2015 (1) Cultural awareness July 2015 (2)



OTH 1204 – Life Span Human Development Class – Occupational Therapy Assistant students at the Miami campus were assigned a group project to report about the culture, demographics, education, and key cultural issues related to the country that was chosen for them. They had to learn about that country and present to the class, being as creative as possible,  using all sorts of multimedia tools about what they learned and how Occupational Therapy is done in those particular countries. The project is meant to foster cultural sensitivity in an effort to develop an understanding of diversity. All projects included the typical food and drink of the country, costume/dress, music as well as a class craft activity that relates to the different countries. Part of the assignment was for the students to determine what misunderstandings and assumptions they had about that particular culture prior to the presentation and what they learned about the culture that made them change their minds. Students also had to consider the issues that may arise with treating a patient from that particular culture.  Countries assigned: Colombia, Philippines, Ireland, Mexico, Germany and Trinidad

Cultural awareness July 2015 (5) Cultural awareness July 2015 (6) Cultural awareness July 2015 (7) Cultural awareness July 2015 (8) Cultural awareness July 2015 (9) Cultural awareness July 2015 (1) Cultural awareness July 2015 (2) Cultural awareness July 2015 (3) Cultural awareness July 2015 (4)



The Occupational Therapy Assistant students presented at the “semester-ly” cultural fair, an assignment that is part of their second core course, “Human Occupation and Development across the Lifespan.” The assignment seeks to increase student awareness of some of the world’s cultures to better prepare them for treating patients of all kinds by increasing their cultural competence. Each pair or trio of students research a culture of their choosing and share what they learned with the rest of their class.  Special note is made as to the clinical implications of the cultural nuances. Additionally, they are to identify an activity, unique to that culture and teach it to their classmates. Activities include culture specific dances and customs, as well as the sharing of food and language.

OTA Cultural Fair July 2015 (3) OTA Cultural Fair July 2015 (1) OTA Cultural Fair July 2015 (2)