Zulema Ferrin, Graduate from AS in Occupational Therapy Assistant program at KU Miami


“I first came to Keiser University wanting to major in Nursing but my counselor introduced me the Occupational Therapy Assistant program and I was very interested since it is a mixture of teaching and health. I loved it! Since the start of my core classes Mrs. De las Pozas was very straightforward in letting us know this was not going to be a walk in the park. But with the help and dedication that all my teachers put in, I am now a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant and very happy about it. I love what I do!


Everyone at the Keiser University Miami campus was very helpful, from the librarian helping us get books we needed to student services helping us get jobs. I want to thank everyone for a great experience, which is why I came back for my Bachelor of Science in Health Science and am now at the Graduate School earning a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy.”