Keiser University Flagship Campus activities recently brightened the Holiday Season for area girls and boys.

The campus’ Seahawk Season to Share toy drive generated hundreds of items for Seminole Trails Elementary school learners as employees generously donated items and some browsed using wish lists for specific children. Coordinated in conjunction with the West Palm Beach elementary school’s principal Judith Garrett and Assistant Principal Jennifer Lo, the effort is designed to spread holiday cheer while also strengthening Keiser University’s role as a valuable community partner.

The campus community was also thankful to join Financial Aid Administrator Abia Afzal in her annual efforts of supporting foster teens at the Children’s Home Society by contributing several gift cards.

“We are delighted that our contributions to community friends and neighbors seem to grow every year,” said campus president Dr. Gary Vonk. “Our Keiser University Flagship campus faculty, staff, and students have tremendous hearts, and their generosity exemplifies that,” he smiled.