As a lifelong nurturer to her younger siblings, Elizabeth Howard knew early that her calling was to help those in need.  After graduating from Grimsley Senior High School in Greensboro, North Carolina she relocated to Fort Pierce, Florida, and proceeded to further her education.


“I just realized as I got older that serving as a healthcare provider was what God put me on this earth to do, as I truly felt joy in making others feel better. After serving in the profession for a few years, and earning my associate degree, I knew it was time to take that extra step to further my career,” she said.


Uncertain exactly which professional path to take, she decided to learn more about Keiser University. “One day I decided to visit Keiser’s Port St. Lucie campus to see what it could offer me. Upon arrival, I was embraced by heartfelt individuals who made it feel like such a safe and well-guided place. Everyone was smiling, happy, enthusiastic, and overall a joy to be around. I was informed about the nursing program and the steps I could take to achieve the degree and decided that it was an amazing opportunity. I enrolled and signed up for classes that same day. It was probably the best decision I have ever made in my life,” she reflected.


Now armed with her Keiser University Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, Howard looks forward to tailoring her career toward wound care and possibly trauma.


“Keiser University has helped to prepare for my career by providing the tools and knowledge I need to serve as a successful nurse,” said Howard who credits Professor Allyson Swan for her support. “From day one of the program Professor Swan was there for me and believed in me when I sometimes didn’t believe in myself. She is ambitious and hard-working and has achieved much herself at a young age, so is truly inspiring. And on top of that, she is absolutely hilarious,” smiled Howard. “She saw the potential in me and would even take my eraser off my pencil for every exam because I always second-guessed myself. I will never forget her or the impact she has had on my journey to become a nurse.”


When asked what she’d share with others who are striving to realize their goals, Howard shared her thoughts. “I feel it’s important to remind others to never give up. Always see the light in every tunnel, no matter the circumstances, as you can do anything you set your mind to do. You may stumble, you may even break, but as long as you get back up and continue to try you will never fail. Failure only comes when you quit and, in my family, quitting is never an option.”


Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program enables students to provide evidence-based collaborative care to diverse patient populations in varied settings. The Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes are a culmination of measurable competencies, consistent with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (2008), which enable graduates to practice within a complex healthcare system.